
Practical Guide to ICP-MS: A Tutorial for Beginners, Third Edition (Practical Spectroscopy): Robert Thomas: 9781466555433: Amazon.com: Books


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Practical Guide to ICP-MS: A Tutorial for Beginners, Third Edition (Practical Spectroscopy)

Book Description

May 3, 2013 1466555432 978-1466555433 3

Presenting an in-depth discussion of the fundamental principles, analytical advantages, and practical capabilities of ICP-MS, this volume offers key concepts in a reader-friendly format suitable for those with limited knowledge of the technique. Written by an insider with more than 20 years experience in product development, customer support, and technical marketing for an ICP-MS instrument vendor, the book highlights this powerful ultra trace-element technique as a practical solution to real-world problems. The new edition has been updated and revised to cover new developments and updates to existing applications and reflects the significant new technology introduced by vendors since the second edition published.

