PRACTICAL TACTICAL RIFLE: Albert League: Kindle Store
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Book Description
The PRACTICAL TACTICAL series offers a quick reference for experienced shooters interested in the defensive use of handgun, shotgun, or rifle. The material is based on Marine Corps close combat techniques and law enforcement methods derived from SWAT and street-patrol practices. However, all information is specifically oriented toward the lone operator and is not simply more modified military and law enforcement team tactics which are often ineffective for single defenders. Instead of a beginner's primer to armed self-defense, the PRACTICAL TACTICAL series provides targeted information on a variety of topics that are often overlooked. These three e-books provides different information on some similar topics that may be of general interest to all armed citizens, however, each book is written to stand alone. PRACTICAL TACTICAL e-books are stripped down to the essentials and intended to provide practical, results-oriented methods, at a modest price for the lone home defender or business owner.